This resonates! I’m a teacher of writing (middle school) that gets so wrapped up in my own head and need to be perfect that I barely write. This is a good challenge. Thanks for your transparency and consistency (in advance). Looking forward to all the ideas that flow from this challenge! And thanks for what you’ve already written as your words and sermons have already helped me tremendously.
I’m looking forward to this consistent view into your craft of storytelling. It is truly a gift to creatively communicate grief and hope through writing. No verbal or non-verbal cues -- just the heart tug from a string of words. Can’t wait!
“My notes app and notebooks are full of half-baked thoughts that could do some good in the world if I just finished cooking ‘em.” Every writer can identify with this! I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts as you figure out which are worth developing and sharing.
Happy Birthday! You're in good company, my husband and one of our sons also have birthdays this month. Look forward to reading and gleaning from the experience.
I'm in! I'm a musician and songwriter so I'll have to tweak the challenge but I definitely need the accountability. I suffer from the same procrastination via perfectionism. Any suggestions?
See, about that... 🥴 😅They don't exist yet. Fear of the blank page has crippled me in the past, but I have new motivation to get it crackin'. I’d love for you to read them and give me feedback once I do have something to share!
Funny, yesterday I had this "random" idea to just start "cooking" the hundreds of film ideas I have spread between at least 3 note-taking apps. I've got enough plots, characters, and scenes, so before I let them rot, I might as well whip something up, right? I figure the perfect time I've been waiting for to get started just ain't coming. Lol...
You can't wait to see what I'm cooking? I'm ready to see some of these film ideas hit the screen. Until then, I'm looking forward to at least seeing some scripts, screen plays, or portions of scripts and screenplays written. Where can I find those?
This resonates! I’m a teacher of writing (middle school) that gets so wrapped up in my own head and need to be perfect that I barely write. This is a good challenge. Thanks for your transparency and consistency (in advance). Looking forward to all the ideas that flow from this challenge! And thanks for what you’ve already written as your words and sermons have already helped me tremendously.
I appreciate this Nicole!
Does that mean you're gonna join me over these next 30 days. You got a substack account for a reason! Let's do this together!
My goal is only to write somewhere between 250-300 words a day. Just one thought that I want to get out or explore.
I’m looking forward to this consistent view into your craft of storytelling. It is truly a gift to creatively communicate grief and hope through writing. No verbal or non-verbal cues -- just the heart tug from a string of words. Can’t wait!
We’ll see if it’s worth reading and if you feel that way at the end of 30 days.
I just know this is going to be good! The thought of reading your words every day for 30 days made me smile this morning.
Procrastination-yes, that’s what is keeping from finishing this paper on Old Testament wisdom for class. Thanks for the gentle kick in the rear ❤️
Always happy to motivate. Thanks for the kind words Kim
“My notes app and notebooks are full of half-baked thoughts that could do some good in the world if I just finished cooking ‘em.” Every writer can identify with this! I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts as you figure out which are worth developing and sharing.
I appreciate that Tim! Thanks for always being such an encouragement and tapping in man!
I'm really grateful for your content, John. It stirs my heart and I'm thankful that you're taking the time to do this.
Fam, thank you so much for tapping in.
Ready to hear from you for the next 30 days my brother!
Thank you bro
Happy Birthday! You're in good company, my husband and one of our sons also have birthdays this month. Look forward to reading and gleaning from the experience.
Thanks Kimberly!
I'm in! I'm a musician and songwriter so I'll have to tweak the challenge but I definitely need the accountability. I suffer from the same procrastination via perfectionism. Any suggestions?
Set an incredibly small goal that you know you can accomplish everyday.
Consistency is the most important thing.
See, about that... 🥴 😅They don't exist yet. Fear of the blank page has crippled me in the past, but I have new motivation to get it crackin'. I’d love for you to read them and give me feedback once I do have something to share!
Correction: they do exist!! They’re in your head and very real. Putting it on the page, doesn’t make it real, it just makes it seen.
We’re eager to see it. You can make a bad page better, but you can’t do much with a blank page.
I’m interested in you taking the same amount of words you’ve typed this morning and laying out what’s in your head.
Man I’m so excited to keep up with your writing!
Really been enjoying your newsletter bro!!
Yes! I’m on summer break and my mind is flooded. Would be good for me for so many reasons!
Funny, yesterday I had this "random" idea to just start "cooking" the hundreds of film ideas I have spread between at least 3 note-taking apps. I've got enough plots, characters, and scenes, so before I let them rot, I might as well whip something up, right? I figure the perfect time I've been waiting for to get started just ain't coming. Lol...
Can't wait to read your home cooked goodness!
You can't wait to see what I'm cooking? I'm ready to see some of these film ideas hit the screen. Until then, I'm looking forward to at least seeing some scripts, screen plays, or portions of scripts and screenplays written. Where can I find those?
I love this for you, Writer!
We got work to do! I need to get back on your calendar
You’re mad busy!
I’m here for the GHS (grief, hope, & storytelling)!
Thanks Bethany!!!