This line captures the last few years so well: “Those waves of activity quickly transformed into calm seas of apathy when we realized change scoffed at punctuality.” This article was a helpful reminder for me that shifting the narratives people believe about the past and present can’t be done in the microwave our culture demands. Thank you for the push to cultivate patience.

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Thanks for reading and engaging with this Sam!

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Growing plants really helps me to cultivate patience. This was such a good read. I always take away food for thought and growth.

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Getting into plants has been one of the best decisions of my life. It's helped me slow down as much as anything else.

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I so enjoyed reading this. This would actually be a great book topic... just sayin lol.

Patience is a necessary ingredient I continue to mindlessly forget and it's often because I'm moving too fast, therefore I expect things that I'm working on and praying for to also move fast. My mistake.

Patience, though is the in-between that we get to participate in and watch as things grow. Your article reminded me to watch and enjoy the process. Thank you, John.

(another book would be pretty awesome..)

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You're reading my mind Gabriella. I snuck the subtitle of a book I'm working on somewhere in the article. Can you guess what it is?

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This line sounds like a great subtitle:

"Helping us love patience: The forgotten virtue behind the world’s most memorable movements."

There were a couple others, but I'm gonna go with this one lol

I'm also so stoked you are writing another book! Patience is such a needed topic to write a book on. I'm stokeddddd.

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I have started back having plants in my life. I RELLY enjoy buying them on discount, caring for them through their supposeingly dying days, and bringing them back to life. Yes, it requires patience and I lost that virtue when I started the season of change in my life. Now that, that season is over, I've developed a love for plants again, only the ones that are discounted and struggling because of neglect. Your analogy about plant growth brought this to mind.

Thank you for this blessing because, it's so well worth the time to read what you have to say about mostly anything.

Are you and the family in the country? It's been a minute since you mentioned London on tweet.

John O, Shawndra, & the Lil one (Ava), Have the BEST day that you ALL can, I love yawl!

May God continue to bless you ALL with His grace and mercy. In His holy, precious name, Jesus the Christ I pray this, Amen! :)

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I may need to get in touch with you about some tips on bringing the dying ones back to life. I've been good with caring for the ones that I have over the past few years. I've had a couple die on me and when I couldn't turn them around, I eulogized them as I put em in the trash can.

I'll give everyone your love. Hope you're doing well

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

Good morning John O, spoke with your brother & wife Jasmine the other day. Their 2nd anniversary is today and I wanted to give them a spiritual gift of truth! :) I'm doing well adjusting to my "new normal." It's alot, but, I understand He's always working. :) Let His will be done!!!

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You're really good at word pictures, bro! Thank you. "drowning a seed" in all that effort is my story... sheeesh. Thank you for writing this. It's wild how much agricultural illustrations resonate with me in contrast to architectural ones. I always go the latter route, and it ends up leading to heaps of disappointment, fam. Thank you for writing this.

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No doubt man! thanks for engaging with it. I think I've learned through trial and error about effort and the law of diminishing returns. The trick is not letting this way of life harden into complacency.

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Loved reading this one, John! My examples are probably a little more nuanced, but I think with most relationships in my life (parenthood, marriage, friendships) a lot more good and enjoyment of it comes out of it when I tend to it patiently and without a ton of expectation than when I try to put a bunch of processes in place to grow the relationship. Good stuff to chew on!

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It's crazy how much more we enjoy life when we realize we aren't in control!

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