I'm so grateful that you talk about how I feel, since the transitioning of my husband, my life as I knew it with him doesn't exist anymore. The one opportunity that I had was being prepared for the transition, but NOT for the aftermath. I had NO idea it could allow transparency in all area of existence. That I wasn't prepared for, but I'm adjusting, because it has me in a place now where I'm depending more and more on Him.

Our God is bigger than all our problems, the only One who knows how to solve them.........(that song is so dope)

John O, once again, thank you for being sooooooooo you!!! :):):)

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Thanks Mama E! I've been amazed at how much sharing what we feel about grief can bring us closer together! You know I'm always grateful for your encouragement.

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This was encouraging and a different facet of His resurrection and the hope it ministers to us, His followers. Thank you.

If i may be transparent, one of our adult children has walked away from the Church entering into a relationship with another identifying as the gender opposite the one the Creator gave. Loving someone not affirming their choice and the demands that come with it can seem a labyrinth. This is somewhat new territory. i find myself searching through the Word reading of the one caught with his father's wife, the woman caught in adultery on the verge of being stoned, the prodigal, and those God gave up to their debased minds in Romans 1...trying to make sense and for answers to questions. i grieve for both of these souls and experiencing the division Jesus spoke of among family members. i cling to Jeremiah 59:1 trusting none of this is impossible for Him to redeem.

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Jul 27, 2023
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The recommendation of Preston's podcast, led to inquiring of an elder and member of Church if either were familiar (also discovered he coauthored Erasing Hell which is in my "to read" stack). The member was, offered one of his books to read as well as going through a study he wrote together, titled Grace//Truth 1.0. Thanks again. God used you to be a channel of His care.

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Thanks , Rk, very grateful for your passing along. Will look those up. Have a few friends to "sit with" as John writes of, but no one shares the experience so imagine its as hard to know what to say as is navigating. Again, thank you.

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I’ve often described it as walking as though a dark cloud was overhead but this analogy of fog that looks impassive but isn’t, is so much better.

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I wouldn't necessarily say "better". I feel the darkness of the cloud imagery just as vividly

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This is good John. Just because we can't see through doesn't mean we can't step through.

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Thanks Alysia...sometimes we need more than just a hand guiding us through, but someone else willing to walk with us into the unknown!

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This is everything, thank youuu!

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