“Pastors aren't meant to stand between you and God. Pastors exist to make sure nothing else does.”

Love that. Cheers to the next season brother

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Been so encouraged by your ministry from afar! Grateful for you, and am praying for all the other endeavors. Excited to continue to learn from you--thanks for letting us in and allowing us to read this letter.

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Let's get it!

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If you like listening to inspirational houston pastor sermons check https://www.keionhenderson.com/ Pastor Henderson is such as great preacher that he can capture the audience's attention and connect to them. I always enjoy listening to him and I hope many people find him too.

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I found you through the Four in the Morning podcast in 2020. Whew! Your voice, faith, reasoning and persistence was exactly what I needed. You have an amazing gift of communication. Look forward to how God will use it in the future.

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Alisa, thanks so much for the kind words. I appreciate you still keeping up with all of what I have going on. It's funny, I started the podcast in pandemic as an experiment of sorts and that podcast was actually a huge turning point for me. Bringing back season 2 in the new year. Hope you'll still be keeping up with me then.

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John, May the Lord be with you brother, and bless whatever he has next in the special work he is doing in our generation among the nations. Being a pastor has always been a dream of mine, grateful to have your example over these years in the special thing he is doing in Atlanta.

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Thank you Jay!

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Grace, grace, grace.

Grace all around you and yours.

May you flourish.

May God's church continue to flourish under the Shepherd's guidance.

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My friend (and one of my favorite writers)!!!! Thank you so so much for this. I really hope you're experiencing peace and joy and rest in this season

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We’re grappling for peace and rest, but we have joy 🙌🏾

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Love and appreciate you, John. God, indeed, has great plans for you and your life, and I can't wait to see what happens next.


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Love you man! Thanks for always being such a rich source of encouragement.

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Dec 8, 2022·edited Dec 8, 2022

I will miss you John, but I've lived long enough to know our seasons change. I will STILL be listening to Cornerstone/ATL because it's a bible, God fearing church. I'm feed that way with my Pastor every Sunday, and I only follow other churches with those basic views. Let God continue to use you for His kingdom.

God bless you John O, your lovely wife, Shawndra, and your "God" given daughter, Ava. :):):)

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Mama E...you I love you! The church is in good hands!

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NO doubt!

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all the amazement, wonder, tears, joy, fears, and gratefulness with these transitions, John O. EXCITED for you and with you in this season and the next *huge hugs*

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Appreciate you!!

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Phew. What a ministry you’ve had, Pastor! Praying for you and your family as you discover a new sense of calling amid the writing and entrepreneurship! Blessings 🙏🏾

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Thanks so much bro! Thanks for everything.

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Appreciate you my guy. Thanks for constantly being an encouragement every step of the way

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